Custom consulting for your success

CV review, cover letters, and professional coaching worldwide

Experts in CV and cover letter review

Personalized coaching for your career.

Mentorship to grow and improve together.

A professional consultation setting with a medical professional sitting at a desk facing a client. The room has a modern aesthetic with white walls decorated with framed certificates. The desk is organized with office supplies, a laptop, and a fruit bowl in the center.
A professional consultation setting with a medical professional sitting at a desk facing a client. The room has a modern aesthetic with white walls decorated with framed certificates. The desk is organized with office supplies, a laptop, and a fruit bowl in the center.
A sign featuring the word 'CONSULTATION' in bold, black capital letters. Beneath the text, there is Braille marked on a white background, surrounded by a dark wooden frame.
A sign featuring the word 'CONSULTATION' in bold, black capital letters. Beneath the text, there is Braille marked on a white background, surrounded by a dark wooden frame.
Two individuals are seated at a wooden table in a classroom or office setting. One person, wearing a gray t-shirt, is writing in a notebook, while the other, dressed in a suit, observes and offers guidance. The room appears to have minimal lighting, with a soft natural light coming through the windows.
Two individuals are seated at a wooden table in a classroom or office setting. One person, wearing a gray t-shirt, is writing in a notebook, while the other, dressed in a suit, observes and offers guidance. The room appears to have minimal lighting, with a soft natural light coming through the windows.

Who We Are - Prephood

In 2025, the job market is more complex than ever, with many struggling to find fulfillment in corporate life while others seek the right personal projects or the perfect company fit. At Prephood, we offer personalized consulting for students and professionals, helping you optimize your CV, craft standout cover letters, and navigate your career path with coaching and mentorship. We’re here to guide you through the evolving job market, with services available in both Italian and English

A group of people intensely focus on an activity involving one person in the center, possibly providing support or guidance. The setting appears to be indoors with a cage or netted area in the background, hinting at a sports or competitive environment. The lighting creates dramatic shadows, emphasizing the concentration and seriousness of the moment.
A group of people intensely focus on an activity involving one person in the center, possibly providing support or guidance. The setting appears to be indoors with a cage or netted area in the background, hinting at a sports or competitive environment. The lighting creates dramatic shadows, emphasizing the concentration and seriousness of the moment.



Satisfied Clients

CVs Reviewed

Customized Services

We offer consulting on CVs, cover letters, coaching, and mentorship for professionals and students.

A monochromatic indoor scene featuring a consultation area with a modern design. Two people are seated at a long wooden table, working on laptops, while another person stands nearby. Bookshelves are visible beneath the table, and a sign reads 'Consultation Specialisee'. Overhead lighting and glass partitions add to the contemporary architectural style.
A monochromatic indoor scene featuring a consultation area with a modern design. Two people are seated at a long wooden table, working on laptops, while another person stands nearby. Bookshelves are visible beneath the table, and a sign reads 'Consultation Specialisee'. Overhead lighting and glass partitions add to the contemporary architectural style.
CV Review

We analyze your CV to improve its effectiveness and impact on the job market.

Cover Letter

We assist you in writing personalized and professional cover letters for your job applications.

Professional Coaching

We offer coaching sessions to help you achieve your professional and personal goals.

Contact us for personalized consulting

We are here to help you achieve your goals

A large screen displays a book titled 'Team Lead Succeed' by Nick Fewings next to a motivational quote about teamwork attributed to the same author. The background is predominantly red. To the right of the screen, there is a white analog clock. Below the screen, a video conferencing camera is mounted.
A large screen displays a book titled 'Team Lead Succeed' by Nick Fewings next to a motivational quote about teamwork attributed to the same author. The background is predominantly red. To the right of the screen, there is a white analog clock. Below the screen, a video conferencing camera is mounted.

Wordwide but based in Amsterdam

We offer personalized consulting for students and professionals seeking support with CV review and professional coaching

Based in

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Operating Days

Mon - Sat